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Moran B, Cohen F, Wang Z, Suvorova S, Cochran D, Taylor T, Farrell P and Howard S (2016). Bounds on Multiple Sensor Fusion, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks , 12 :2 , (1-26), Online publication date: 12-May-2016 .

Flesca S, Furfaro F and Parisi F (2010). Querying and repairing inconsistent numerical databases, ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) , 35 :2 , (1-50), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2010 .

Jamsek M, Dobersek D, Goricanec D and Krope J Optimal solution for district heating pipe networks Proceedings of the 5th IASME/WSEAS international conference on Energy & environment, (391-395)

Heo J, Whang K, Kim M, Kim Y and Song I (2009). The partitioned-layer index, Information Sciences: an International Journal , 179 :19 , (3286-3308), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009 .

Vaidya J Privacy-preserving linear programming Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, (2002-2007)

Damiron C and Nastasi A Discrete rate simulation using linear programming Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Winter Simulation, (740-749)

Olwal T, Aron F, Wyk B, Hamam Y, Ntlatlapa N and Odhiambo M Improved Distributed Dynamic Power Control for Wireless Mesh Networks Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Ad-hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks, (357-368)

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Yin Z, Cui J and Yang J A surface-based DNA computing for the positive integer linear programming problem Proceedings of the intelligent computing 3rd international conference on Advanced intelligent computing theories and applications, (1-9)

Stallmann M and Brglez F High-contrast algorithm behavior Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Experimental computer science, (12-es)

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Robert H. Smith School of Business

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Linear programming: methods and applications (5th ed.)


Reviewer: Joseph M. Lambert

The book under review is the fifth edition of Linear programming: methods and applications. The fourth edition was dated 1975; the first was published in 1958. One can see the evolution of linear programming from the early works of Dantzig in the late '40s (see, e.g., [1]) to the richness of applications of linear programming by skimming the first edition and reading the fifth edition in detail. The author claims the material is appropriate for an upper division undergraduate course or a first year graduate course in linear programming. The first 180 pages could be used for an undergraduate course, but much of the richness of the text would be inaccessible to the majority of undergraduate students. The work certainly qualifies as a text for a graduate course. Others will find the book an invaluable reference. The book contains the material one would expect in a linear programming text. There is a comprehensive review of the mathematical prerequisites. The general linear programming problem, the simplex method, the revised simplex method, duality in linear programming, parametric linear programming, sensitivity analysis, multiobjective programming, and integer programming are treated. Applications to the transportation problem, network flow problems, and others, show the power of linear programming methods. A short chapter on nonlinear programming shows the delicacy of that problem area. The exposition is clear, mathematically rigorous, and comprehensive. Examples of the mathematical techniques assist the presentation. Particular care is given to problems of computation. Computer accuracy, sensitivity, sparse data, decomposition of large systems, and the computational efficiency of the simplex method are discussed. In particular, pointers to a bibliography of over 700 items will be invaluable to practitioners and for mathematically sophisticated novices to the area of linear programming. The 1980 ellipsorial algorithm of Khachiyan [2] is reported. Pointers to the reference for that work and discussion of the efficiency of that algorithm are included. The most recent (unpublished) work of Karmarkar is not mentioned. There is little information on current large-scale linear programming packages. The reader is warned to become familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the particular packages available for use. A careful reading of some of the references will lead the reader to current information on large packages. The book is a valuable addition to the library of any practitioner of linear programming. Its choice as a text will be a personal one. It certainly should be given serious consideration as a text for both undergraduate and graduate courses.

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