Reference Ranges and What They Mean

During a recent visit to your health care provider’s office, you had blood drawn for lab tests and now you want to know if everything is “okay.” You’ve received a copy of your lab report or an email telling you that your test results are available to view online. So you log on to the secure site and download your results. In scanning the page, you see a result that is highlighted as being outside the reference range and you wonder what that means for you.

Some lab tests provide a simple “yes” or “no” answer. For instance, was the test positive for the bacteria that cause strep throat? Many other tests, however, are reported as numbers or values. Laboratory test results reported as numbers are not meaningful by themselves. Their meaning comes from comparison to reference values. Reference values are the values expected for a healthy person. They are sometimes called “normal” values.

By comparing your test results with reference values, you and your health care provider can see if any of your test results fall outside the range of expected values. Values that are outside expected ranges can provide clues to help identify possible conditions or diseases.

This website,, gives information about various tests, including the possible reasons test results may be “abnormal.”

Three important things to know about reference ranges:

About Reference Ranges

What is a reference range?

A reference range is a set of values that includes upper and lower limits of a lab test based on a group of otherwise healthy people. The values in between those limits may depend on such factors as age, sex, and specimen type (blood, urine, spinal fluid, etc.) and can also be influenced by circumstantial situations such as fasting and exercise. These intervals are thought of as “normal ranges or limits.”

Though the term “reference interval” is usually the term preferred by laboratory and other health professionals, the more commonly-known term is “reference range,” so that is the term used throughout this article.

Reference ranges provide the values to which your health care provider compares your test results to and determines your current health status. However, the true meaning of a test result—whether it indicates that you are sick or well or at risk for a health condition—can only be known when all the other information your provider has gathered about your health, including the results of a physical exam, your health and family history, recent changes in your health, any medications you are taking, and other non-laboratory testing.

Most people can now access their lab test results directly via the Internet, but very few lab reports have been designed to convey the meaning of those results in a way people who are not health professionals can understand or put in context. The information provided in this article will help you understand:

While this site can help you understand some of the implications of your test results, the best source of this information is your health care provider. You can use what you learn about your results from to talk to your provider, be prepared to ask the right questions during that conversation, and to take an active role in your health care decisions.

View a sample report to see what references ranges look like and where they typically appear on lab reports.

Where are the reference ranges on this web site?

Very few tests will have reference ranges that are exactly the same for most laboratories. That’s why very few of the test articles on this site include reference ranges.

To evaluate whether your numbers are within normal limits, it is best to refer to the reference range printed on the report you receive from the laboratory that performed your tests. A report will typically display your results followed by that lab’s reference intervals for each test performed. Your report may look something like this, indicating that this test result falls within the established normal reference range:

Reference Range Example
Test Name Result Reference Range
Potassium 4.4 mmol/L 3.5-5.1 mmol/L

(To see an example of what a full report with several test results looks like, see this sample cumulative report.)

Only a few of the test descriptions on this website include reference ranges. There are several reasons for this:

  1. In general, reference ranges for most analytes are specific to the laboratory that performs the test. Different laboratories use different kinds of equipment and different kinds of testing methods for analysis. This means each laboratory must determine its own reference ranges—whether by using data from its own equipment and methods, citing reference ranges from test manufacturers or other laboratories, or by testing a pool of perceived normal and healthy individuals. Consequently, there are no universally standardized reference ranges. Of course, each test does have a theoretical reference range that we could include on this site, which can be found in many books and other online sources, but it may have little meaning for you.
  2. You may notice that the few, select reference ranges listed on this site apply only to adults, and there are no ranges included for children or adolescents. This is because from birth through adolescence, a child’s body goes through many changes, often quite rapidly. Several things that are tested in a laboratory, such as chemical levels, hormones, etc, vary greatly as a child goes through the different stages of growth and development. The laboratory in which your child’s sample is tested has established reference ranges for the different stages of child development. The best source of information regarding your child’s lab test results is your child’s health care provider.
  3. We want you to be informed, but we don’t pretend to take the place of communication between you and your health care provider. We want you to understand what each test on this site is for, but because we can’t be aware of all the factors that could affect your test results, we can’t interpret the results without more information. If you need further explanation of your results, you should talk to your health care provider. This remains true even for those tests, such as the components of the basic metabolic panel (BMP), for which we have included reference ranges. Remember, a reference range is merely a guide for your health care provider. He or she will interpret the result in the context of your medical history and current presentation – something that no website is yet able to do.

What are decision limits?

For a small number of tests, long-term studies of certain disease processes have led to the establishment of decision limits that are more useful than reference ranges in determining clinical outcomes and guiding treatment decisions. Decision limits are values that represent either the upper or lower quantity of an analyte that are consistent with a disease state or indicate a need for treatment.

Blood glucose is an example of an analyte for which decision limits have been established and are widely used by health care providers. For adults in a routine setting in which fasting blood glucose testing is done to detect type 2 diabetes, a fasting glucose level of 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or above, obtained on more than one testing occasion, indicates diabetes. Treatment is required to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and other long-term complications of diabetes.

In this situation, it is a value above a particular limit that provides information rather than a value that falls within or outside a set range of numbers.

How are reference ranges determined?

The short answer to this question is by testing a large number of people who have key similarities and observing what appears to be “typical” for them.

To determine ranges, labs may conduct their own studies for the tests they perform, they may adopt reference ranges from test manufacturers or other labs, or they may derive reference ranges from existing patient data.

Why might there be more than one reference range for a test?
For some tests, there is no single reference range that applies to everyone. By far, the most common factors that cause variations in reference values are age and/or sex.

For example, the range used to evaluate a creatinine test result depends on a person’s age and sex as shown in the table below.

Age Sex Creatinine Reference Ranges
18-20 Male 0.9-1.3 mg/dL
Female 0.6-1.1 mg/dL
60-90 Male 0.8-1.3 mg/dL
Female 0.6-1.2 mg/dL

Creatinine is produced as a natural byproduct of muscle activity and is removed from the blood by the kidneys. Creatinine is often measured as a gauge of how well the kidneys are functioning. Creatinine levels are affected by a person’s muscle mass. Because men have greater muscle mass than women, the reference values for men are higher than for women.

Reference ranges for children who are still growing and developing are often very different than those for adults and may change significantly as they age. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), for instance, is an enzyme found in the cells that make bone, so its concentration in the body rises in proportion to new bone cell production. The reference values for ALP in children and adolescents, who should be growing healthy bones, are higher than they are for adults in whom high ALP levels may signify bone or liver disease.

Some reference ranges apply only to certain subsections of a population. For example, pregnancy changes many aspects of a woman’s body chemistry, so what is typical for pregnant women is not typical for those who are not pregnant. Thus, pregnancy-specific reference ranges are established for a variety of tests.

A very short list of examples of additional factors that might cause a lab to establish more than one reference range for a test includes:

The reason a test is performed sometimes guides which reference range is used to interpret results and guide treatment decisions. For example, the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) test can be used to screen for diabetes risk, aid in confirming a diagnosis of diabetes, or monitor how well a person with diabetes has controlled his or her blood sugar over a three-month period. The table below shows how a provider might use the results of the hemoglobin HbA1c test to guide treatment decisions.

Diabetic Status HbA1c Levels
Non-Diabetic Less than 5.7% (39 mmol/mol)
Prediabetic 5.7% – 6.4% (39 – 46 mmol/mol)
Diabetic 6.5% (47 mmol/mol) or greater
Well-controlled Diabetes Less than 7.0% (52 mmol/mol)

Let’s look at two people who have the same HbA1c result of 6.6%, one who is being screened for diabetes and another who is already known to have diabetes.

What does it mean if my test result is outside the reference range (low or high)?

Laboratories report patient test results along with their reference ranges. Results that are out of range are typically highlighted and may include a comment when out-of-range results have clinical significance. Some reports include “critical values” that represent potentially life-threatening abnormalities. Every laboratory identifies certain key tests that have been associated with these life-threatening events whereby critical values are required to be immediately reported to the health practitioner.

When a lab report indicates that one or more of your test results are out of range, your health care provider will evaluate those results in the context of your medical history, physical exam, and family history, among other factors.

You and your health care provider may consider the following questions in order to determine what should happen next:

How far out of range are your results?
Results that are far above or far below the reference range are an obvious indication that further investigation is needed. But what about results that are only slightly above or below the range? As we will discuss below, healthy people sometimes have test results outside the range. On the other hand, for some analytes, such as tumor markers or creatinine, test results that are even slightly out of range can be significant. Your provider may recommend follow-up testing to find out if the result returns to within range or persists in being outside the range.

How do the results fit with the rest of your clinical picture?
Depending on the information your provider has already gathered about your health status, a test result outside the range could help confirm a diagnosis, indicate the severity of a health problem, or point to the need for additional tests to be run. If a result does not seem to fit with the rest of your clinical picture, your health care provider may: